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CCGT432 - CCGT120408 - AK H01 Polished Carbide Inserts For Aluminum 10 Pack

Part Number: CCGT432AKH01
CCGT432 - CCGT120408 - AK H01 Polished Carbide Inserts For Aluminum 10 Pack
CCGT432 - CCGT120408 - AK H01 Polished Carbide Inserts For Aluminum 10 Pack
On sale $159.63 $108.48CAD
In Stock
CCGT432, CCGT120408, AK H01 Polished Carbide Inserts For Aluminum 10 Pack
Feature: Insert ShapE: CCGT
Feature: ANSI: 432
Feature: ISO: 120408
Feature: COATING: NO
Feature 5 IC: 1/2

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CCGT432, CCGT120408, AK H01 Polished Carbide Inserts For Aluminum 10 Pack
High Polished insert for machining Aluminum and other non-ferrous materials. Positive insert with high 25 degree rake face rake

nsert Shape CCGT
ANSI 432
ISO 120408
Grade H01
Chipbreaker AK

d in 0.500
l in 0.508
t in 0.188
r in 0.032
d1 in 0.217

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